An Overview of HireVue, the Video Interview Alternative

Categories: Job Search

Since COVID-19 reared its ugly head in early 2020, the world of work has changed quite a bit. While many industries were hit hard and had to let go of employees in droves, others expanded and grew. And that meant that interviewing processes had to evolve to support a remote work environment. Enter HireVue, the human resource management platform that incorporates video interviews. If you haven’t yet experienced this approach to hiring, here’s an overview of what to expect.

What Is HireVue?

Launched in 2004, HireVue provides video interviewing technology, primarily to enterprise clients. It was one of the first platforms to offer video interviewing and, as such, has been a pioneer in the space.

In 2013, artificial intelligence was integrated to provide employers with the ability to quickly assess interviews based on data points from the videos. If you haven’t gone through the initial interview process on HireVue, your time could be coming. With the pandemic, virtual hiring has become more prevalent, and the company was poised to answer the call. Odds are, even if you haven’t used the platform, you know someone who has.

The Way It Works

When you think of video interviews, you probably think of Zoom or Skype: real-time interfaces in which you interact with interviewers from a distance. That’s not how HireVue works. Instead, you record your responses to set questions on your computer, tablet, or phone.

When you first log onto the platform, you’ll usually see a video from the hiring company. During that initial video, they will introduce their company and/or the position and let you know what to expect from the interview process. There is the opportunity to practice how the system works with some questions that are similar to the ones you will be asked (but aren’t the same). Then, after a little practice, you’ll start your interview for real.

A question will appear on the screen, along with the video of yourself alongside it. You review the question and when you are ready to start your response, you press the button to answer. You’ll see how long you have to answer the question, and as you speak, you’ll watch the time count down.

After you have completed your response, you’ll push the button that you are done answering, and the next question will be presented. You’ll continue like this until you have completed the interview, at which time you will submit your answers for the interviewers to review.

Why Recruiters and Employers Like It

Perhaps the top reason employers are using HireVue is ease. The platform enables them to somewhat automate the initial review process and see if they’d like to move forward to a one-on-one or group interview without significant time investment on their part. Employers can also use HireVue to get those initial interview questions out of the way. Candidates answer the questions on their schedule and, likewise, employers can review them at any point. Scheduling time to get together is not necessary when using this platform.

Another reason employers and recruiters are using HireVue is that they can get a sense of how you might respond in a real-time interview situation since the platform simulates that type of interview. Some companies will record a representative asking you a question and even allow candidates to rerecord their answers if that’s how they’ve set it up. Of course, that’s not something you can do in a live interview, which is a huge benefit for the job seeker if the company allows for that.

As a first screening, a video interview provides more insight than a phone interview since it’s a visual media. Employers like getting a preview of prospects prior to the actual in-person or real-time video interview.

Experiencing HireVue as a Job Seeker

As with any interview process, when it comes to HireVue, there are aspects job seekers like and aspects they don’t. There’s no doubt that an interview can be nerve-wracking, and depending on your personality, this type of video interview can make it more or less so. Here are some pros and cons you may experience on the platform:


  • You can interview on your timeline when you’re at your best, whether that’s first thing in the morning or the middle of the night.
  • There is the ability to practice your responses beforehand with questions that are similar to the ones you’ll be asked.
  • If you have a lot of applications and interviews pending, this frees up some of your time since you don’t need to match your calendar with that of the hiring committee.
  • There is a timer for each question. If you’re a talker, this will keep you reined in and on task.


  • You watch yourself answer the questions. If you’re not comfortable seeing yourself on video, it can be disconcerting.
  • You cannot interact with the interviewer(s) since you are recording your responses. This is a challenge if you usually play off your audience.
  • This is a “hands-off” approach to interviewing, which can feel impersonal to some candidates.
  • While timed responses can be a bonus for some, it’s a real detriment for others who have “so much to say” and need to determine how to package it in a way that makes the most sense.

Always Be Prepared for Your Interview

There’s no telling if your next interview will take place in person, via Zoom, or on HireVue, so as a job seeker, you always need to be prepared for whatever comes your way. Practice your interview skills and the potential questions you will be asked. Know your value proposition. Be ready to share why a company should hire you. Then, when it’s time for your interview, you’ll shine no matter how you interact with the hiring committee.

Looking for more information to get your job search on the right path? Sign up for our self-directed job-search platform here.